As an entrepreneur, you have already figured out the difference between your business name and your trademark. You already know why your business needs to have a unique name of its own, and chances are you have already got it registered. But what about the trademark? Let us first take a clearer look at what a trademark is. Well, it is the mark (word, phrase, symbol or design) that sets your trade apart from that of the competitors. Let’s say you see a Swoosh mark on a sports good, you don’t have to look twice before knowing that it’s a Nike product. The “Just Do It” tagline is also a part of Nike’s trademark.

Is it mandatory for a business to have its trademark registered? No, it is not. But should you do it, anyway? The answer to that is a little bit more complex. Read the following benefits of trademark registration and then, maybe, you can decide for yourself.

The right to exclusivity– Registering your trademark is your best line of defense against unauthorized use of your company name and logo. Your trademark gives you the exclusive right to use your mark on the goods and services covered by you. In the case of a breach, you can exercise this right to obtain powerful remedies, provided you have already registered your trademark.

Adds to your intangible asset– In short, a registered trademark adds to the goodwill of a business.  Registering the trademark creates a value store the goods and services which the business deals in, thus largely enhancing its reputation and creating a distinctive place for your product in the market.

Acts as an identity protection– By registering the trademark under the Company law, you entitle yourself to an exclusive nationwide ownership. It does not only protect the company name and the logo (which are the invaluable assets of the company) but also acts an official notice to the other players in the same market space. It protects your company’s image against the lashes of competitors because once you have registered your trademark, choosing a deceptively similar one by another company cannot be claimed as an act of ignorance.

Comes handy in the Courtroom – A registered trademark has a distinctive appeal in the courtroom. Should any case of discontentment arise between your company and another, having a registered trademark can strongly back you up in any kind of legal proceedings? Should you find any trader using a conflicting trademark, a ‘cease and desist letter’ from your lawyer will be able to resolve the matter. In case of severe infringement and deliberate attack, your registered trademark will act as a leverage and help you strengthen your case.

So now that you know the benefits of having your trademark registered, what are you waiting for? Hire an experienced professional to help you with the process and get it done already. Well, did you know that you can now get your trademark registered online? If you just send them over the required documents, they will take care of the rest.

Author’s Bio: Suzan is an independent blogger who has been associated with leading Outreach experts such as SubmitCore to share her wisdom via posts.